
St. Cuthbert's Catholic Nursery and Primary School has an officially recognised school uniform that we ask parents and carers to uphold.

All pupils from nursery to year 6 wear school uniform. Please can all clothing and other personal belongings should be CLEARLY MARKED with the OWNER'S NAME. All uniform can be bought from supermarkets or uniforms with the school logo can be purchased from Gladraggs in Wigton. PE hoodies can be bought from the school office. Free for All, in Wigton, have a school uniform bank where pre-loved items school uniform can be sourced.

The uniform required is as follows:

  • Grey skirt (knee length or below, pleated or flared, not straight) or grey trousers
  • Red V necked jumper/cardigan ('V' must show tie)
  • Red Tie
  • White blouse/shirt;
  • Grey/white socks
  • A red summer gingham dress or grey shorts, if desired
  • Black shoes 
  • Hair should be tied back if long.

Children from reception to year 6 can come to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in their PE kits.

The PE kit is as follows:

  • A pair of red shorts or plain black leggings or joggers
  • A white t-shirt
  • A red hoody or school jumper

Jewellery / Personal equipment

  • Small stud earrings and a watch are the only jewellery permitted
  • No jewellery to be worn during PE sessions in line with Health and Safety regulations ‘Safe Practice in Physical Education and School Sport’
  • Makeup and false nails are not permitted.

If you are on certain benefits, you might qualify for a clothing voucher - please follow the link here for more information.
