Lunch Times
Children can either have a hot lunch or bring a healthy packed lunch. All Reception and KS1 children are eligible for universal free school meals or if they prefer can bring their own packed lunch. Our menu follows a 3-week cycle. School lunches are pre-ordered on our School Money system.
School Meals
Meals are fully prepared from quality ingredients in our own kitchens by our school cook, and lunchtime meals are fully supervised by school staff at all times. Some students are entitled to be provided with free school meals. If you feel your child may be eligible, further details please visit the Cumbria County Council website
Packed Lunches
Those children who have their own packed lunches also eat under supervision in the hall. They may bring their own drinks, but no glass bottles or canned drinks please. The school promotes healthy eating and we would strongly encourage parents/carers to consider the nutritional quality of the packed lunch they send their child to school with. Please avoid excessively fatty or sugary foods or drinks and try to include fruit, carbohydrate and protein.
We are a nut free school so please do not send nuts or nut products into school-thank you.